Technical Strategies Planting Long Papper

Technical Strategies Planting Long Papper - Today, the plant medicinal herbs chili has attracted a number of farmers to cultivate. At least, now there are several areas in Java, which developed it. One area chilli development of herbal medicine in Central Java province is Tegal district, and in East Java include Madura and Lamongan district. This is supported also by the local government through a partnership program between the farmers and the local district offices. 
In terms of cultivation, chilli herbs grow well in all climates and terrain, the older the higher the productivity. Unlike the Cayenne only survive one year after it will wither and die. At the age of 3 months or more can be done the first harvest.
Cabe herbs require land conditions with soil pH 5.5-7.5, loose soil texture, elevation above sea 1-600, 1200-2500 mm rainfall per year, and the humidity is 40-80%. Based on the experience that already grow chilli, herbs, the best planting medium by using vermicompost (worm former) and fermented chicken manure.

Planting and cultivation of herbs is not as complicated chilli chilli curls. Just need patience lawn care such as eliminating pests (weeds). The first seed planted in polybags at the age of 2 months can be moved kelahan open. In order to grow the maximum precision required dose of fertilizer. It should be noted, cow manure fertilizer, animal waste (Kohe) should be fermented for 7-10 days.

The plant parts used as cuttings taken from vertical vine (climbing vine), because this part is easy to form branches. There are 2 kinds of plant material that can be used for cuttings ie soil and vine tendrils climbing.

For the source of the seeds should be collected from parent trees that have been aged at least 2 years and have good qualities, that bears much fruit, responsive to fertilizer, are relatively resistant to pests and diseases as well as relatively resistant to environmental stress particular, the physical form of the plant sturdy, fertile and healthy.

Planting herbs chilli seeds should be done at the beginning of the rainy season. Spacing prepared 1-1.5 m should be done along the bunds, and 2 x 2 m or 3 x 3 m dilahan field of fitness.

For fertilizing, give organic fertilizer or manure Kohe fermented, 5 kg per tree as much as two times, namely at the beginning of the rainy season and the end of the rainy season. For inorganic fertilizers, such as TSP, UREA, NPK, SP-36, was given after the plant was three months after it was simultaneously along with organic fertilizer. Each type can be given 50 grams per tree up to the age of 1 year and increased or added as much as 25 grams annually.

Herbs chilli plants begin to bear fruit after the age of 1-1.5 years. After the fruit is colored red tinge around 25% - 50% can already be harvested. Harvesting is done by picking one by one. It required steps so that the fruit is ready for harvesting of reach and plants are not damaged.

Average production for young chilli plants herbs around 2-3 kg of wet or equal to 0.5 kg of dried fruit. For mature plants production is about 4-5 kg ​​of wet, equivalent to 1.5 kg of dried fruit.

Until now, the increase in productivity chili indispensable herbs, in addition to meeting the needs of traditional medicine industry and other needs in the domestic market to foreign markets (exports). The world needs chili herbal medicine is currently around 6 million tonnes and Indonesia could only meet one third.

Importing countries chili herbs such as Singapore, Malaysia, China, the Middle East, Europe and America. Therefore, the development opportunities chilli herbs, either through intensification (increasing the productivity of existing plants) and new planting, is still wide open.

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