Price Long Papper The Decline in USD. 12,000

Herbal pepper prices in the market began to weaken / predicted price drop is not because of quality, but rather the availability of goods more and accumulate. ApaIagi, when this rainy season many pepper plants herbs fruitful. One resident chilli growers of herbs at Tanah Merah Hamlet, Village Pamoroh, District Kadur, Sabanah utter, lately chili herbs do get a price drop down from its initial price difference to Rp. 12,000/kg.

If the previous price herbs chili Rp 97.000 thousand/kg, this time prices herbs chili dropped to Rp 85 thousand. The fall in the price of chili chili medicinal herbs suspected cause is increasingly flooding the market. "I sell to Market Blumbungan each day is a lot of chilli growers who brought chili medicinal herbs to the market", he said.

Although the price dropped, he still profited from the chili planting herbs. According to him, chili herbal medicine is more profitable compared to other plantation crops. Does not have to cost a lot and also energy efficient, he said. Romali, other herbs chili farmers reported, the price of pepper herbs are varied depending quality.

The purchase price from USD 80 thousands and even up to Rp 100 thousand/kg. Chili herbs bought from farmers chilli herbs are then sent to the factory Long Papper Sido Appears Surabaya. I buy in Pamekasan and Sumenep, he concluded. Meanwhile, Head of Industry and Trade (Industry and Trade) Bambang Edy Suprapto explain, chili herbs does not make a commodity that gets attention. Therefore, it is not included in the table of commodities affecting inflation.

Thus, the price monitoring and protection was not implemented. Commodities affecting inflation listed in the table Availability Information Systems and Basic Materials Price Development (Siskaperbapo) East Java. Some kontoditas that goes on among them rice, cayenne pepper, chili, eggs, chicken, and beef and other commodities. Uniformity of commodities that must be monitored. Coordination of Disperindag province, he concluded.

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