Cabe Jamu - Still Pursued While Not Newcomer - Plant this one has long been recognized as a traditional herbal medicine. 

" Cabe Jamu " or so-called Cabe Puyang, long pepper, chili length (Sumatra), chili Java (Sunda), cabean, chilli pad, chilli sula, chilli herbs (Java), chilli jhamo, chilli ongghu, chilli solah (Madura) , cabia, cabian (Sulawesi), is a plant native to Indonesia Cabe Jamu in the English language known as Java Long Pepper.

Formerly Cabe Jamu grows wild in the forests, but because the market demand is gradually increasing, has even entered into the export market, so this time Chili Jamu lands cultivated in plantations.

Trees Cabe Jamu

According to H. Thomri, One Cabe Jamu farmers in East Java, "almost all regions in Indonesia is suitable for planting Chili Jamu, which is important not stagnant water, and try to be watered during the dry season. Our brothers who had only 50 3-year-old trees around, can make money The mean Rp.6.000.000 per month, the average harvest 1/2 kg per tree per 10 days, with the price Rp.70.000 / kg dry. The process after harvest enough boiled with boiling water 5 minutes, then djemur to dry ". He said again "Cabe Jamu this long age could be 30 years, so planting one harvest many times: D"

Cabe Jamu Dry

From the results of small talk with him, of course Cabe Jamu attracts us to make business opportunities.

Moreover, when we met with Cak Mat, one of the collectors of chilli herbs in Jember, East Java, he describes his encounter with one of the exporters of spices from the Indies "we need a supply of Chili Jamu routine, at least send 20 tons per send"

Well ... apparently Cabe Jamu is increasingly hunted alone, but it's not a new plant.

We also have set up land in Banyuwangi for pilot plant with an area of ​​1,000 m. with a spacing of 1m x 1.5m and each pole we will have planted seeds alone (save land: D) so that it takes about 600 seedlings. How about you ???

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